The road to happiness can look different for everyone,
but you’ll know when you’ve found it
Counseling provides the space to process through life’s struggles to find it

Hi, I'm Jummy.
Welcome to Happy Soul! My name is Jummy and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor.
I became a counselor because life can be beautiful and horrible at the same time but there is meaning in both.
Sometimes it just takes talking to someone else to find that meaning. I would be honored to walk this journey with you!
How Has Counseling Changed Lives?
Our favorite celebrities speak out.
"Honestly, therapy, just talking to somebody just helped me out a lot. As a man you get a lot of slack for it ... I don't really subscribe to that. Everyone needs to unpack and talk"
Michael B. Jordan
"I just started therapy. I love it, I love it. I went through two therapists to get to the right one."
Brad Pitt
"I go to therapy. It's just one of the most important things — to get to know yourself. Not saying everyone in the world has to do it! But I do think that it's helped me understand myself and my childhood a lot better."
Selena Gomez
“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” – Rumi